An amazing response to last week’s BB List.
You kept our BB goblins super busy all week. Thank you very much.
It just goes to prove that if you list it for sale here on BB, we have buyers who are looking for and are ready to buy your surplus kit.
If you want to convert that kit which is gathering dust on your store room shelves into some spare cash then please consider making a listing here on BB. We have buyers who need your gear.
Making a listing and selling kit on BB is an easy step-by-step process, we hold your hand and guide you gently all the way from beginning to end.
If at any stage you get lost or are not quite sure what to do, get in touch, our goblins have over 25 years experience of shipping parcels all over the world. They are experts at selling, packing, customs procedures, currency transfers etc.
To sell your kit, get started here
As always, enjoy this week’s BB List – not quite as many listings as last week, but almost… 79 at the time of writing, so plenty to see.
View NEW listings here –
View REDUCED listings here –
All the best,
Team BB