I was at a loss what to write about this week when this popped up on my Facebook feed.
BB Lister Matt Price (Sound Rolling) has created an useful web browser app for making TC stamped sound notes. It works off-line and for privacy all data is stored in your browser off-line, data is not sent back to his website.
For ease you can create your own buttons for custom phrases.
You can clear all data from your web browser after downloading your sound report.
Very nifty. Save it to your bookmarks, you never know when it will come in handy.
Thank you for sharing this utility with the community Matt!
On with this week’s BB List… lots of lovely new listings… some nice price reductions too. NEW LISTINGS HERE – REDUCED LISTINGS HERE.
Have a fab week!
Em bb
PS if you have any radio mics, mixers, headphones, IEMs, tripods, lenses etc for sale we have buyers actively searching for these items for filming. Create a for sale listing here